Kill Bill, Lost Sketchbooks, & New Project

Composition Studies from Kill Bill
Scenes from Kill Bill Vol. 1
Lacking the capacity to critically solve problems for the project I was working on I decided to stop for the night and work on redrawing some scenes from a movie. I heard that this helps to work on your compositional skills from Matt Kohr @ I had done that some time ago in order to work on some action scenes. Kill Bill has tons of great shots and fight scenes so why not I thought? I could go on all day why I loved this movie. (It's the only movie that I am willing to watch multiple times.) If you are interested in doing the same you can go here to access the library @ Cinema Squid. I can't thank the people who took the time to compile this site enough.

Last week I realized that I lost the sketchbook I had won from the Dare2Draw Quickdraw Contest back in November. It's a shame too, because I was almost done with it. I needed it at the time I got it since I was almost finished with my last sketchbook. I know that I don't post as often as I should here, but I tend to get picky with what I put up here sometimes. I shouldn't be since this is my blog, but sometimes I look at things and go "Yuck! What was I thinking?!" Also, it had all of my notes from anatomy class. I can't even refer back to them and a few of them were pretty important. Ah well what can you do? Well...I guess get a new sketchbook right?

I'm also working on a new project. I will let you know more details in my next post...which will be soon actually.
